

The IPA China Study Group Successfully Organized Two Panels at the“24th Josef Sandler Psychoanalytic Research Conference.”



The IPA China Study Group successfully organized two panels at the“24th Josef Sandler Psychoanalytic Research Conference”onNovember 2nd: ‘The Science and Art of Transformation’& ‘Attachment, Separation and Individuation’.



The panel of‘The Science and Art of Transformation’was held from 15:30 to 17:00 and was hosted by Prof.Yunping Yang and Jie Zhong. The Chair of the Curriculum Committee of the Study Group presented‘The Formation of Understanding’, Dayi Lian presented ‘Changes in the dreams of a patient over time: N=1 study’, Xiaochun Shan presented‘From loss to creation—the arts of transformation’.







The panel of‘Attachment, Separation and Individuation’was held from 17:00 to18:30 and was hosted by the president of the study group Prof. Jun Tong and the presidentelected of the study group, Prof. Jianyin Qiu. Dr. Ying Xue presented‘the Difficulty for Chinese Children to Separate their Beds from Parents', the Chair of the Website Committee of the Study Group Xue Yang presented‘Controlling and Being Controlled-The Seesaw in Sadomasochism’, Tong Ba presented‘The core complex in Separating and Individuation’.







During the panels, the venue was full, the aisle and the floor were filled with listeners.Analysts from different countries were also present to listen to the lectures. Thespeakers shared their own practice and exploration of the corresponding topicsfrom different perspectives. After the speakers finished their presentations, the listeners actively asked questions, and there were enthusiastic interaction and heated discussion among the speakers, the hosts and the audience. Ideas sparked continuously, and everyone engaged in learning, collision, and inspiration through mutual exchange. Thepanelstruly achieved the study group’s purpose of facilitating academic exchange.The study group will continue to work actively for the spreading of psychoanalysis in mainland China.


Writer撰稿:杨学 Xue Yang

Reviser审校:童俊 Jun Tong



The Appendix



Panel 1: The Science and Art of Transformation







Chairman: Yunping Yang (Beijing, China)

Speaker: Zuanhao Song, Dayi Lian, Xiaochun Shan (Shanghai, China)

Discussion: Jianyin Qiu (Shanghai, China)









Speaker:Zuanhao Song:

Psychoanalyst (WAWI)

Supervisor of psychotherapy (WAWI)

Psychoanalystof IPAChina Study

Psychoanalyst of APsA

The Chair of the Curriculum Committee of IPA China Study Group


Abstracts:The formation of understanding

This presentation attempts to answer the question of how understanding is formed. The speaker sees three main components in the formation of understanding: the ability to connect and separate, the ability to transform and contain frustration, and luck. The ability to connect and separate involves interpretive subject and the generation of meaning. The ability to transform involves alpha function, and frustration contain involves curiosity and passion. Luck involves uncertainty and limitation.








APSA (美国精神分析协会)精神分析师

SIMHA 上海国际心理健康协会成员


Speaker:Dayi Lian

IPA Psychoanalyst (Graduated from William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology)

MSW of New York University

Registered Clinical Psychologist

Psychoanalyst of IPA China Study Group

Psychoanalyst of APSA (American Psychoanalytic Association)

Psychotherapistof SIMHA (Shanghai International Mental Health Association)

Private practitioner, tutor and supervisor for psychodynamic training Programs


Changes in the dreams of a patient over time: N=1 study


Is psychoanalysis truly changing the patient? How can the changes be accessed, and the effectiveness of psychoanalytic treatment evaluated empirically? This paper is a N=1 study in an attempt to assess the changes in treatment within one analytic patient through the comparative analysis of several dreams of the patient over several years of psychoanalysis. The variables of dream frequency, affect expression, and changes in object representations will be compared across the time in treatment, in order to asses and review patient's internal psychological state and therapeutic Progress. This paper highlights the significance of the N=1 studies in psychoanalytic research, and demonstrates its value through vivid dream material.










Speaker:Xiaochun Shan

PhD of Philosophy

IPA Psychoanalyst

Registered clinical psychologist

Member of China Study Group Scientific Committee

Tutor for postgraduate in Tongji University

Private practitioner


From loss to creation--the arts of transformation


The birth of psychoanalysis is somehow related to Freud's personal loss. The loss of important objects can activate memories and traumas, plunge the self into depression, and may also arouse novel things, creating art and literature. The author will use a clinical case to illustrate how a patient who experienced a major loss and fell into a depressive state used creative ways to transform his fear, grief, and pain in the course of the analysis. One of the most impressive vignette is that during a three-month silence, the two parties of the analysis each injected a possible future full of imagination and vitality into the “silent dead space” by drawing and writing.



Panel 2:Attachment, Separation and Individuation




Chairman: Jun Tong (Wuhan, China)

Speaker: Ying Xue, Xue Yang, Tong Ba (Beijing, China)

Discussion: Jianyin Qiu (Shanghai, China)





IPA 会员


【摘要】:不同文化下的婴幼儿和父母分床的时间有很大区别。比如在英美国家,父母倾向于让孩子在婴儿早期就自己独睡,然而在中国,高达79%的学龄前儿童和53%的学龄儿童仍然与父母同睡(7-12岁)。它被认为对年幼的孩子有很多好处,比如增加孩子和父母之间连接,增加他们的安全; 然而过久地不能分床也造成了一些问题,包括孩子和父母分离困难,缺乏独立性,影响父母的亲密关系等。一些研究表明,幼儿与父母同睡与多种行为问题有关。目前国际上还没有关于何时应该分床的指南,父母决定主要是受社会期望和家庭因素影响。 本文从精神分析角度来讨论中国儿童分床困难的议题,以及从一个3岁孩子,9岁孩子,15岁青少年的临床案例中阐述孩子及其父母的内在困难,包括不能完成的哀悼,及不能开始的发展。


The difficulty for Chinese children and adolescents of separating their beds from their parents

Speaker: Ying Xue

Psychiatrist, IPA psychoanalyst, Child and Adolescent and family psychodynamic psychotherapist( UK)

Abstract:The time babies and toddlers separate from their parents’ bed varies significantly from culture to culture. In the United Kingdom and the United States, for example, parents tend to let their children sleep alone in early infancy, but in China, up to 79% of preschool children and 53% of school-age children still sleep with their parents. It is thought to have many benefits for young children, such as increasing the connection between children and their parents and their safety. However, being unable to separate beds for too long also causes some Problems, including difficulty separating, lack of independence, and affecting the intimate relationship between parents.Some studies have linked co-sleeping in young children to a variety of behavioural Problems. There are currently no guidelines on when you should have separate beds. It is mainly influenced by social expectations and family factors and is decided by parents. This paper discusses the difficulties of children separating from parents’ bed in China from a psychoanalytical perspective. From the clinical cases of a 3-year-old child, 9 years old latency child and a 15 years old adolescent to illustrates the internal difficulties of a child and his parents, including the inability to complete mourning and to begin development.

Key words: Co-sleeping, attachment, separation





Speaker: Xue Yang

Psychoanalyst of the International Psychoanalytic Association(IPA)andIPA China Study Group;Full Training analystofIPA;Registered Psychologist of Registration System for Organizations and Professionals of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Chinese Society of Psychology( CCPRS).


【关键词】:施虐 受虐 施受虐 性倒错 分离个体化

Controlling and Being Controlled - The Seesaw in Sadomasochism

Xue Yang (IPA China Study Group)

Abstract:Sadomasochism is originally associated with sexual perversion, but today, its connotation has been far expanded, and in addition to its presentation in sexual perversion, it has now become an indispensable aspect of clinical analysis and a common phenomenon in daily life. Therefore, the study of sadomasochism has important implications for understanding the cases and human life. The purpose of this paper is to understand the manifestation of sadomasochism in clinical analysis through the study of the pioneers of psychoanalysis such as Freud, especially the transformation of sadism and masochism in sadomasochism, and explore the dynamic in it, so as to Provide some thoughts for the analysis.

Key Words:sadism, masochism, sadomasochism, pervert, separate individuation


分离个体化中的核心情结(Core Complex)



Speaker:Tong Ba

Psychoanalyst of the International Psychoanalytic AssociationandIPA China Study Group (in Wuhan); Guest Psychoanalystof the British Psychoanalytical Society; Registered Supervisor of Registration System for Organizations and Professionals of Clinical and Counseling PsychologyChinese Society of Psychology( CCPRS) (D-17-001);Independent Practitioner at Mind in Mind Education and Counselling (Beijing).


蹒跚学步的幼儿常常面对一个冲突:兴奋地想要摆脱扶着自己大人,迈步走向自己想去的方向,同时又怕靠自己不行,不确定那个大人是否允许自己走开。这是分离个体化时期典型的内心冲突。根据安娜弗洛伊德的发展模式和马勒的共生及分离个体化的理论,结合大量的临床观察和经验,英国精神分析师Mervin Glasser提出了核心情结的概念。正如俄狄浦斯情结是俄狄浦斯期发展的议题,Glasser认为核心情结是分离个体化期(肛欲期)的发展议题。它是每个幼儿正常发展的一部分,归根结底是关于亲密和分离的困难——如何与他人在一起而不感到被对方接管和控制,如和与他人分离而不感到全然的孤独和空虚。



The Core Complex of Separation and Individuation


Toddlers often face a conflict: they are excited to get away from the adult who is holding them up and take a step in the direction they want to go, but at the same time they are afraid that they cannot do it on their own, and they are not sure if the adult will allow them to go away. This is a typical inner conflict during the period ofseparationandindividualization. Based on Anna Freud's developmental model and Mahler's theories of symbiosis and separationandindividuation, combined with a large number of clinical observations and experiences, British psychoanalyst Mervin Glasser Proposed the concept of Core Complex. Just as the Oedipus Complex is a developmental issue in the Oedipus period, Glasser believes that the Core Complex is a developmental issue in the period of separationandindividuation (anal phase). It is part of toddler’s normal development and is ultimately about the difficulties of intimacy and separation - how to be with another without feeling taken over and controlled by object, and to be separate without feeling utterly alone and empty.

Glasser argues that every normally developing person faces such difficulties throughout life, but that for people with a fixed development of the core complex, there are often common features: mothers who are overly narcissistic and see their children as extensions of themselves at first, and fathers whose role is more diluted, and children whose development of aggression has been thwarted and who may have shifted from a self-Protective purpose to a masochistic one, thereby controlling the object in order to fend off the anxiety of annihilation. The person with a fixed core complex needs to be psychologically ‘safe’ at arm's length in intimate relationships, entering a vicious cycle that, in combination with sexualized defense, may develop varying degrees of perversion. Unsatisfactory resolution of the core complex directly affects the development of Oedipus.

This paper introduces the theory of the core complex while attempting to observe and understand the difficulties of separation and individuation in Chinese culture from this perspective, including the difficulties of adolescent development, the difficulties in adult intimate relationship, and the possible relevance in clinical works of the frequency of treatment and the meaning for online work.