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国际精神分析协会(International Psychoanalysis Association,IPA) 


精神分析由奥地利心理学家西格蒙德.弗洛伊德创立,国际精神分析协会(International Psychoanalysis Association,以下简称IPA)是由弗洛伊德和其同事共同创立的国际学术组织。该组织的前身是始于1902年的“星期三心理协会”,当时弗洛伊德邀请了4位精神分析学说的爱好者斯特克尔、阿德勒(Adler)、卡哈内(Kahane)和赖特勒(Reitler)于每周三一起讨论精神分析学说的相关议题,故称“星期三心理协会”。到了1908年该协会发展为14人,更名为“维也纳精神分析学会”。同年,很多后来成为精神分析重要人物的人员加入其中,如费伦齐(Ferenczi)、埃廷根(Eitingon)、荣格(Jung)、亚伯拉罕(Abraham)和琼斯(Jones)等,他们后来都担任过IPA 的主席。1908年4月27日在萨尔茨堡举行的“弗洛伊德心理学的第一次大会”现在被认为是第一次国际精神分析大会,正是这次会议商定建立一个国际协会的想法,随后在1910年3月在纽伦堡召开第二次会议上,正式成立了国际精神分析协会。荣格任IPA第一任主席。IPA诞生至今,走过百余年,历经诸多变故,在学术发展的道路上及组织上已相当成熟,也更加国际化。2010年,IPA在中国举办了首届精神分析会议,探讨亚洲背景下的精神分析发展和变化,喜欢精神分析的国人日渐增多,运用精神分析疗法帮助来访者或病人的精神分析学者队伍也日益壮大。2021年7月“IPA中国学组”也正式成立了(参见本网站《IPA中国学组发展史》)。


参考文献:William H. Gillespie,1982


IPA Introduction

International Psychoanalysis Association,IPA

The International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) is the oldest and largest international psychoanalytic organization and the world's leading supervisory and management authority for the evaluation of psychoanalytic discipline. As a professional association in the field of psychoanalysis, the main goal of the association is to promote the development of scientific psychoanalysis, promote the healthy growth of psychoanalysis as a psychotherapy profession, and protect it from abuse. IPA has developed qualified psychoanalysts around the world by establishing relevant professional training standards and professional membership certification system. Therefore, IPA is also committed to promoting the establishment of contacts and communication among psychoanalysts from different countries, and enhancing the sense of participation and belonging of psychoanalysts to international psychoanalytic organizations and communities. At present, the number of IPA psychoanalysts has exceeded 13000, with more than 100 committees. IPA holds academic conferences in different countries every two years, and academic conferences and seminars in different regions are also colorful.

Psychoanalysis was founded by Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. The International Psychoanalysis Association (IPA) is an international academic organization jointly founded by Freud and his colleagues. The predecessor of the organization was the "Wednesday Psychological Association", which began in 1902. At that time, Freud invited four fans of psychoanalysis, Steckel, Adler, Kahane and Reitler, to discuss the relevant issues of psychoanalysis on Wednesday, so it was called the "Wednesday Psychological Association". By 1908, the association had grown to 14 people and was renamed "Vienna Psychoanalytic Society". In the same year, many people who later became important psychoanalysts joined in, such as Ferenczi, Ettingon, Jung, Abraham and Jones, who later served as the chairman of the IPA. The "First Conference of Freudian Psychology", held in Salzburg on April 27, 1908, is now considered the first international psychoanalytic conference. It was at this conference that the idea of establishing an international association was agreed upon. Then, at the second conference held in Nuremberg in March 1910, the International Psychoanalytic Association was formally established. Jung served as the first chairman of the IPA. Since its birth, IPA has gone through more than one hundred years and many changes. It has become quite mature and more international in terms of academic development and organization. In 2010, IPA held the first psychoanalysis conference in China to discuss the development and changes of psychoanalysis in the Asian context. The number of Chinese people who like psychoanalysis is increasing, and the number of psychoanalysts who use psychoanalytic therapy to help their clients or patients is also growing. In July 2021, the "IPA China Study Group" was also formally established (see the development history of IPA China Study Group on this website).

If you want to know more about IPA, you can go to IPA official website( https://www.ipa.world )to learn more.


2021年7月16日,国际精神分协会(International Psychoanalysis Association,简称IPA)董事会通过IPA中国学组成立(IPA Study Group of China,以下简称“IPA中国学组”或“学组”)。

2021年7月28日,在温哥华举办的IPA 第52届国际大会上(网络会议)上,IPA正式宣布IPA中国学组成立。中国学组的成立是具有历史意义的时刻,也是具有里程碑意义的事件。


2018年IPA中国学组(筹备)正式成立,童俊教授当选为小组主席。同年12月28日向IPA 国际新团体委员会(IPA International New Group Committee,简称ING)提交了成立学组的正式申请,至此,杨学作为新认证的IPA直属会员也加入到学组的筹备中。




目前,IPA 中国学组精神分析师在大陆的共有20人:童俊(主席)、仇剑崟(副主席)、杨蕴萍、林涛、王倩、杨学、李樱、宋钻豪、薛莹,蒋文晖、练达懿、钟杰、王兰兰、陈维珺、戴云飞、熊卫、闪小春、余萍、巴彤、吴艳茹、罗鑫垚。另有一名IPA认证精神分析师(刘翼灵)目前旅居国外,不参加学组活动。因为每年都有人通过IPA认证,因而学组成员将呈现逐年增加态势。