




国际精神分析协会(IPA)认证精神分析师、培训分析师(full training analyst);IPA中国学组成员

英国塔维斯托克关系中心(Tavistock Relationships,TR)认证伴侣精神分析心理治疗师;TR心理治疗师与咨询师协会成员

英国精神分析委员会(British Psychoanalytic Council)注册精神分析师、伴侣精神分析心理治疗师



1991-1996: 山东第二医科大学(原名:潍坊医学院),临床医学学士学位





2010-2014:受训于英国伦敦塔维斯托克关系中心(Tavistock Relationships,原名:Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships),获得伴侣精神分析心理治疗师执业认证;并获得英国东伦敦大学(University of East London)“伴侣精神分析心理治疗” 硕士学位

2016-2019: 参加英国伦敦The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust儿童部课程,包括理论、婴儿观察(2年)、儿童观察(1年)、兼职在伦敦一所Montessori幼儿园志愿工作(1年)等;获得The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust和英国埃塞克斯大学(Universityof Essex)联合颁发硕士学位,专业方向:与儿童、青少年及家庭的工作:精神分析的观察视角

2017: 认证为IPA Interim 培训分析师

2023: 认证为IPA 培训分析师(Full Training Analyst)




2003-2010:在首都医科大学附属北京安定医院从事临床工作,曾任神经症病区主任,临床心理科副主任, 精神科副主任医师

2010-2023: 中国心理卫生协会精神分析专委会常务委员

2012-2022: 国际精神分析协会(IPA)中国委员会委员

2013-2021: IPA伴侣和家庭精神分析委员会委员



2012.3:在巴黎召开的第25届欧洲精神分析联邦(EPF)精神分析年会,演讲论文题为“Encounter of psychoanalysis and Chinese culture”;

2013.1:在英国精神分析协会(The British Psychoanalytical Society)科学会议上作专题论文演讲,论文题目“Skype analysis: problems and limitations”;


2014.2:在美国马里兰州的Rockville召开的由国际心理治疗学院(The International Psychotherapy Institute)和国际精神分析协会伴侣家庭精神分析委员会联合举办的国际家庭与伴侣精神分析学术会议上作为disscussant对伴侣治疗临床案例作评论演讲;

2015.10:在意大利罗马召开的由国际精神分析协会和意大利精神分析协会联合举办的学术会议“Psychoanalysis in the world: crosses between cultures”上宣读论文,题为“Language in learning psychoanalysis: an obstacle or a bridge?”;

2017.2:在西班牙马德里召开的第二届国际伴侣家庭精神分析大会“Interpretation in Family and Couple Psychoanalysis” 上作为discussant对伴侣治疗临床案例作评论演讲;


2019.7:在伦敦召开的第51届国际精神分析大会上:1)在Panel “Feminine and masculine identifications in couples, parents and their analysts”上作为discussant对伴侣治疗临床案例作评论演讲;2)在small discussion group “Femininities and masculinities in the Chinese context Experiences and reflections from the consulting room”中作论文演讲;3)在smalldiscussion group “Family trauma and the development of feminine identification, intimacy and sexual capacity”中作为discussant对伴侣治疗临床案例作评论演讲;

2020.5:将在悉尼召开的IPA亚太精神分析大会上应邀做大会keynote发言,题为“Further thinking of Bion’s transformation from Oto K: from the emigration to the final integration”。(后因全球新冠疫情大会取消)

2021.3:在第一届中国伴侣家庭精神分析大会(在线会议)上,1)演讲keynote,题为“对伴侣精神分析心理治疗中的思考空间和连接的反思”;2)与英国精神分析师和伴侣精神分析心理治疗师Mary Morgan合作,开展了为期一天的会后工作坊,题为“伴侣心态:在临床理论与技术方面与中国同道的经验对话”

2021.12:在第七届中国精神分析大会(在线会议)上,演讲keynote,题为“精神分析功能vs 象征互动(enactment)——精神分析态度的“不倒翁”模型”



Lin Tao (2014). “Encounter of psychoanalysis and Chinese culture”, Chapter 5, in the book “Psychoanalysis in China”, p 54-61, Edited by David E. Scharff, and Sverre Varvin, Karnac Books Ltd;

Lin Tao (2015). “Teleanalysis: Problems, Limitations and Opportunities”, Chapter 9, in the book “Psychoanalysis Online 2”, p 105-120, Edited by Jill Savage Scharff, Karnac Books Ltd;

Lin Tao (2015). “Teleanalysis: Problems, Limitations and Opportunities”, published in “Psychoanalysis And Psychotherapy in China”, Volume 1, p118-136, edited by David Scharff. Karnac Books Ltd;

Lin Tao (2015). “Sense of possibility of becoming true, the meaning of the physical presence of the analytic couple in shared physical space” was published on Psychoanalysis Today,http://www.psychoanalysis.today/en-GB/PT-Articles/Lin154993/Le-sentiment-dune-possibilite-de-realisation.aspx

Lin Tao (2016). “Language in learning psychoanalysis: an obstacle or a bridge?”, published in the book “Cartographies of the Unconscious, A New Atlas for Psychoanalysis”, p 41-50, edited by Lorena Preta, © Mimesis International.

Lin Tao (2017). “The effect of the analytic couple’s shared physical presence on transference fantasy”, Chapter 7, published in the book “Psychoanalysis Online 3, The tele-analytic Setting”, p 97-104, edited by Jill Savage Scharff, Karnac Books Ltd.

Lin Tao (2017). “Discussion 1” published in the book “Clinical Dialogues on Psychoanalysis with Families and Couples”, p 160-163, Edited by David E. Scharff and Monica Vorchheimer, Karnac Books Ltd.

Lin Tao (2017). “Discussion”, chapter 9, published in the book “Family and Couple Psychoanalysis, A Global Perspective”, p 158-162, Edited by David E. Scharff and Elizabeth Palacios, Karnac Books Ltd.

Lin Tao (2022). “Some thoughts on thinking space and linking in couple analytic therapy.”published in “Psychoanalysis And Psychotherapy in China”, Volume 5, p1-9, edited by David Scharff. Phoenix Publishing House;


林涛、王丽颖译(2010),《动力学心理治疗简明指南——短程、间断和长程心理动力学心理治疗的原则和技术”》,人民卫生出版社,ISBN 978-7-117-13352-4/R. 13353



Lin Tao’s CV

Basic Information

Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry and Mental Health (China

Master of Arts in Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (UK)

Master of Arts in Working With Children, Young People And Families: A Psychoanalytic Observational Approach (UK

Psychoanalyst and full Training Analyst qualified by IPA; Member of the China Study Group of IPA

Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist qualified by Tavistock Relationships; Member of TR Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors

Registered Psychoanalyst and Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist at the British Psychoanalytic Council



Education and Qualification

1991-1996: Shandong Second Medical University Previous Name: Weifang Medical University), Bachelor of Clinical Medicine

2000-2003Capital Medical University, Master of Medicine in Psychiatry and Mental Health

2004-2007Capital Medical University, Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry and Mental Health

2006-2007Chosen as Joint M.D. Student and financially supported by China Scholarship Council, I went to study at Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt for a year

2011: Qualified as a Psychoanalyst by IPA

2010-2014: Trained in Tavistock Relationships (Previous name: Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships), London, and qualified as a Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist by TR; was conferred Master of Arts in Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by the University of East London

2016-2019: Attended courses at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, London, including theories, infant observation (2 years), child observation (1 year) and a part-time voluntary work in a Montessori nursery (1 year) , etc.; was conferred Master of Arts in Working With Children, Young People And Families: A Psychoanalytic Observational Approach by University of Essex and the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

2017: Qualified as an Interim Training Analyst by IPA

2023: Qualified as a Full Training Analyst by IPA


Professional and Institutional Experience

1996-2000: I had worked as a resident psychiatrist at Shandong Mental Health Center

2003-2010I had worked clinically and had once worked as vice-chief psychiatrist, director of the Neurosis Ward and vice-director of the Department of Clinical Psychology at Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University

2010-2023: Standing Member of Chinese Psychoanalytic Committee of China Association for Mental Health

2012-2022: Member of China Committee of IPA

2013-2021: Member of IPA committee on Couple and Family Psychoanalysis



Speech at academic congresses

03/2012: I presented the paper "Encounter of Psychoanalysis and Chinese Culture" in a workshop at the 25th EPF conference held in Paris; 

01/2013: I presented the paper "Skype analysis: problems and limitations" at the scientific meeting of the British Psychoanalytical Society

07/2013: I presented a discussion of a clinical couple therapy as a discussant in the pre-congress party of family and couple psychoanalysis at the 48th IPA congress held in Prague;

02/2014: I presented a discussion of a clinical couple therapy as a discussant in the Family and Couple Psychoanalysis Around the World, Jointly organised by The International Psychotherapy Institute and the IPA committee on couple and family psychoanalysis in Rockville, Maryland, USA

10/2015: I presented the paper "Language in learning psychoanalysis: an obstacle or a bridge?" at the congress, which theme was "Psychoanalysis in the world: crosses between cultures”, by IPA and the Italian Psychoanalytical Society in Rome, Italy.

02/2017: I presented a discussion of a clinical couple therapy as a discussant at the International Congress on Couple and Family Psychoanalysis, which theme was "Interpretation in Family and Couple Psychoanalysis", held in Madrid;

04/2017: I presented a workshop on “Bion’s theory on thinking and its clinical application” at the 5th Chinese Psychoanalytic Congress held in Wuhan, China.

07/2019: At the 51st IPA congress held in London, 1) I presented a discussion as a discussant on clinical couple therapy in the panel "Feminine and masculine identifications in couples, parents and their analysts"; 2) I presented a paper in the small discussion group "Femininities and masculinities in the Chinese context Experiences and reflections from the consulting room"3) I presented a discussion as a discussant in the small discussion group "Family trauma and the development of feminine identification, intimacy and sexual capacity"

05/2020: I would present a keynote titled "Further thinking of Bion's transformation from O to K: from the emigration to the final integration" at the IPA Asia-Pacific Conference 2020 with the theme "Belonging, Displacement and Loss in Times of Turmoil" held in Sydney. Unfortunately, the conference was finally cancelled because of the pandemic of Covid-19

03/2021: In the 1st Chinese Congress of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis online), 1) I presented a keynote titled "Some thoughts on thinking space and linking in couple analytic therapy"2) In collaboration with Mary Morgan, the British psychoanalyst and couple psychoanalytic psychotherapist, we presented a one-day post- congress Workshop titled "A Couple State of Mind: Clinical Theory and Technique in dialogue with the Chinese Experience".

12/2021: At the 7th Chinese Psychoanalytic Congress 2021 (online), I presented a keynote titled "Psychoanalytic Function vs Enactment——The "Tumbler" model of Psychoanalytic Attitude"


Publication (Scientific Writings)

Lin Tao (2014). Encounter of psychoanalysis and Chinese culture”, Chapter 5, in the book Psychoanalysis in China”, p 54-61, Edited by David E. Scharff, and Sverre Varvin, Karnac Books Ltd

Lin Tao (2015). Teleanalysis: Problems, Limitations and Opportunities”, Chapter 9, in the book Psychoanalysis Online 2”, p 105-120, Edited by Jill Savage Scharff, Karnac Books Ltd; 

Lin Tao (2015). Teleanalysis: Problems, Limitations and Opportunities”, published in Psychoanalysis And Psychotherapy in China”, Volume 1, p118-136, edited by David Scharff. Karnac Books Ltd;

Lin Tao (2015). Sense of possibility of becoming true, the meaning of the physical presence of the analytic couple in shared physical space” was published on Psychoanalysis Today, http://www.psychoanalysis.today/en-GB/PT-Articles/Lin154993/Le-sentiment-dune-possibilite-de-realisation.aspx 

Lin Tao (2016). Language in learning psychoanalysis: an obstacle or a bridge?”, published in the book Cartographies of the Unconscious, A New Atlas for Psychoanalysis”, p 41-50, edited by Lorena Preta, © Mimesis International.

Lin Tao (2017). The effect of the analytic couples shared physical presence on transference fantasy”, Chapter 7, published in the book Psychoanalysis Online 3, The tele-analytic Setting”, p 97-104, edited by Jill Savage Scharff, Karnac Books Ltd.

Lin Tao (2017). Discussion 1” published in the book Clinical Dialogues on Psychoanalysis with Families and Couples”, p 160-163, Edited by David E. Scharff and Monica Vorchheimer, Karnac Books Ltd.

Lin Tao (2017). Discussion”, chapter 9, published in the book Family and Couple Psychoanalysis, A Global Perspective”, p 158-162, Edited by David E. Scharff and Elizabeth Palacios, Karnac Books Ltd.

Lin Tao (2022). Some thoughts on thinking space and linking in couple analytic therapy.” published in Psychoanalysis And Psychotherapy in China”, Volume 5, p1-9, edited by David Scharff. Phoenix Publishing House;


Translated books

林涛、王丽颖译 2010),动力学心理治疗简明指南——短程、间断和长程心理动力学心理治疗的原则和技术,人民卫生出版社, ISBN 978-7-117-13352-4/R. 13353

Original English Book:

  Concise Guide to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Principles and Techniques of    Brief,Intermittent,and Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

by Robert J. Ursano MD (Author), Stephen M. Sonnenberg MD (Author). Published

American Psychiatric Association Publishing; 3rd edition (23 Aug. 2004)


林涛 译(2022), 《伴侣心态 伴侣精神分析与塔维斯托克关系中心模型》,万千心理,中国轻工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-5184-3777-1

Original English Book

  A Couple State of Mind: Psychoanalysis of Couples and the Tavistock Relationships Model, by Mary Morgan. Published by Routledge; 1st edition (19 Oct. 2018)